Sabbath Keepers Motorcycle Ministry (SKMM) is a Seventh-day Adventist ministry committed to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the motorcycle community. This Hollister, California-based ministry has 19 chapters spread from Arkansas to Hawaii and chapters in Canada and Australia. Membership is open to all baptized members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, however riding with the chapter does not require membership nor is motorcycle ownership required. The Puyallup SDA Church sponsors the SKMM Northwest Chapter and helps mentor and grow the chapter.
SKMM Northwest participates in motorcycle rallies, charity rides, dedication services, local fairs and other motorcycle related activities. Personal contact and literature evangelism are the primary methods used to spread the gospel. The chapter also participates in a monthly homeless feed at the Tacoma Rescue Mission the fourth Friday of each month.
This ministry is self-supporting, mostly funded by monthly dues of $11 per month per member.
Details about upcoming events can be found on the chapter’s Facebook page, Sabbath Keepers Northwest, or contact Curtis Ulrich at 253-397-5283 for any questions.
A 4 minute video presentation may be viewed here:
Puyallup SDA Church
Know Jesus. Share His Love.